Sunday, October 9, 2011

Starting the Day

It seems what every I do in the morning, I get done.

There are a cascade of things to do each do, all of them in some way important, but only a few will get done.

Only a few tasks can be started in the morning.  Later in the day, many of my tasks attempted will be thwarted.  Some of my attempts at the tasks at hand will end in failure or incompleteness.

I guess I've seen almost 50 years of this process, seems I'd be accustomed to it by now, but I'm not.  I often face the day looking at all the things I probably can't or won't get done, hence what does get done is worry and fretting over trivialities.

This is a HUGE mistake.  Very likely, my life is half over.  I am lucky to be here.  It is a privilege to get to do ANYTHING.  This will be my new attitude starting today, starting this morning!

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