Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I'm sorry, I didn't hear you....

One the things that has undercut my development throughout my 50 years is that sometimes I don't listen.

Listening is hugely important.  The process tells me things I didn't know and perhaps never thought about.

But listening takes time and energy.  I'm always trying to conserve time and energy so that I can.....hummm...what is more important than living in the now?  What is more important than trying to understand what someone is telling me?  Especially my daughter, my son or my wife or those people at work?

Unfortunately the adds on TV are more alluring.  The distant opportunities I see on the horizon of my life capture my mind when actually I need to come down to earth and PAY ATTENTION to those closest to me.

Sad, but true.  I need to work on this very, very diligently.

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