Sunday, October 16, 2011

Some day I will.....(fill in the blank).

As I approach 50, that 'some day' that I was always going to do this or that comes dangerously close to withering away, or becoming extinct, or at least hard to fir intro an already over committed schedule.

Some day, some day... if you are reading this and you are under 50, remember me.  That little voice inside your head that says you really need to do this or that...please don't ignore it.

As I approach 50, for me anyway, that little voice becomes louder and louder.  At this point in my life it sounds almost a clanging gong.  "You're running out of need to do this right NOW!"  This is what I hear when all is quiet and there are no other distractions in the present.  Sometimes I hear it at night, sometimes I hear it in the shower.

So now I'm doing those things.  I wrote a song, I'm doing this blog, I practice the guitar daily, I joined the church choir, I study Latin and Spanish phrases every morning.

I wonder where this is all taking me.

In the mean time, please learn from my mistakes, learn from my lost time.  Do what you are called to do NOW.  Don't wait for the little voice to turn into a clanging gong.

; )


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