Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Of all the places I've been to, Angola made the biggest impact.  Angola changed me.

This picture was taken in Kuito, Angola.  It was the place where their 27 year civil war ended.  Look who is left.  Street kids, likely with parents who were killed in the war.  The boy in the wheel chair with the unforgettable smile was a victim of polio.  His friends take turns pushing him down the dusty streets.  

There they are.  No parents, the 7th poorest county in the world, emerging from a terrible, terrible 27 year civil war (I think our Civil War last a little more that two years and we still talk about it.)  

What courage these children show me!  What optimism!  I have the greatest respect for these people.
Before I left, I gave away all of my money and all of my food.  Maybe that was a good thing.

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