"Where are you from?" This was an honest, friendly question asked of me while on a business trip. The setting was in Tampa, Florida, in a Starbucks, early in the morning and the crowd was pretty thin.
The question and the sincerity in which it was asked caused me to stop and consider a real answer. Right away there were images flashing in my head from places I had lived and experiences that had that really left a mark on me. There was the memories of growing up in a small cow town in Colorado. There was the times I had lived in Korea, seven years in total, some of them very close to the DMZ, others in the capital city of the country, Seoul. There were the four years I lived in Germany, the trips in and out of Africa, there was Azerbaijan, where my hotel was just miles away from Iran, Tehran, and Iraq.
"Well," I started to say, "I live in Colorado, but I was in the Army for 24 years. "
"Oh, then you are from everywhere?" He asked in a natured way.
"No....no, I'm from Colorado. All my Grandparents are buried there. It just took me a while to make it back home."
Where do you call home?
Is it a place? Is it a state like Colorado, or a city or a neighborhood? Or is it an ideal?
Please leave a comment. Let me know what you think.
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